56 Awe-Inspiring Nail Art Designs for Short Nails
Your nail art doesn’t have to be bold to have an impact, you can try something more subtle and subtle. The nails below are all light colored and have two key nail designs. For the key appearance, there are fine white lines, gold sequins and gemstones. This is a beautiful nail idea, very suitable for special occasions. You can use a long and thin nail brush to create fine lines on your nails.
Our next elegant nail concept is another cuticle design. For this, the nail is a light nude shade with crystals along the cuticle. It’s a simple and stylish look. All you need to do is paint your nails in nude colors. Paint it, and when it’s still a little wet, put the jewel on the nail. You can also apply crystal with nail polish. Try sapphire or whatever color you like.